Summer concert 4th of june kl20

Limited seats so book at + remember to get corona testet Welcome to the music of the senses! Paris around the year 1900 was fragrance, moonlight, the longings of the spirit and trembling of the flesh. Composers such as Faure and Debussy, Satie and Poulenc wrote songs that were performed in salons, concert halls and private homes. But it is also women like the … Continue reading Summer concert 4th of june kl20

Brunch 12. Januar

Kom til brunch-hygge på Makvärket. Brunchen vil være vegansk og lækker, og vil bestå af pølser, frugter, tærter, brød og andet. Så lad os mødes om en hyggelig søndagsbrunch og måske starte en ny tradition. Pris: 50 kr, halv pris for børn. Håber vi ses! /// Come to a cosy Sunday-brunch and hang-out at Makvärket. The brunch will be vegan and delicious. There will be … Continue reading Brunch 12. Januar

En Rejse i Makvärket

Lovely people of the world! We want to share with you a magical journey into the old, big, mystical cultural factory Makvärket, a place where music, dance, art, circus, yoga, acroyoga, kirtan, co-creation, community and love live free in a parallel dimension to the world as we may know it.We’re opening our home to welcome you all to spend the weekend with us in this … Continue reading En Rejse i Makvärket

Folkekøkken 3 Okt

English translation below. Fredag d. 4 oktober kl. 18.00 slår Makvärket igen dørene op til en hyggelig aften med masser af dejlig mad på folkekøkken vis. Vi åbner også for baren hvor øl, vin og sodavand kan købes.Donation for mad: 30-50 kr. Denne gang får vi et specielt musikshow udført af Jonathan Bøge Jensen. Du kan høre hans dejlige musik her Du er meget velkommen … Continue reading Folkekøkken 3 Okt