Circushall Completion & Current Conditions

In September we ended a long and focused period in Makvärket, aimed to finish the Circushall to the extend that was demanded for the hall to be approved by the authorities.

We succeded, and are very proud and happy to be able to show the world the first finished physical project this size, within the Makvärket project. Here are a few pictures, so all of you can get an impression of where we landed.

Multihall nov. 2014Bar - KitchenKitchenEntranceToiletsGlasscorridor


We still have a lot of small finish jobs to do around the hall, to make it nice and welcoming for guests and renters from all around the globe, and to actually be able to take it in use.

We just started again after a small break, the plan is to get everything completely finished at around april 2015, so we can have an official opening event in May.

We are a small group continuing through winter, but we would like to be a few more, so if you feel like volunteering in Makvärket, please contact us through the, or

Kind and loving regards,
